The MicroDot Adapter that connects the DPA's d:fine™ line of headset microphones, the d:screet™ series of miniature microphones, the d:vote™ range of instrument microphones, the Shure TwinPlex series ( TL47, TH53, TL48 ) Miniature microphones as well as Countryman B2D & B6 Miniature Microphones to AKG, Sennheiser, Shure, Audio Technica, Sony, Electro-Voice, Telex, Mipro, Line 6, Lectrosonics, Carvin, JTS, Nady, Peavey, Wisycom, Zaxcom, Audio2000'S, Anchor Audio, Azden, Beyerdynamic, Samson, Sabine, Vocopro wireless systems.
The MicroDot Adapters for wireless systems give you flexible, simple and affordable possibilities. You are no longer bound to one wireless system. As circumstances change, you can just switch your adapter, instead of incurring the cost of a whole new microphone. And when you make the switch, you won't hear any loss or change in sound quality.
Should you prefer to have your DPA Miniature mic hardwired to a specific connector type, HIXMAN offers pre-terminated types for the most popular wireless systems that connect your DPA Microphone. Find the adapter that fits your wireless system.